Trivera presents: Social Media University - Milwaukee
by Tom Snyder on
Jun 18, 2009
It's all just crazy. People are twittering about where they're going to dinner. Or arguing about politics on Facebook. Blogging about their hobbies. Exchanging resumes on Linkedin. Some are even tweeting about the blog they posted on their Facebook profile about a YouTube video someone told them about on LinkedIn!
Social media is taking over the landscape. And as detractors and cynics are quick to point out, much of it is mindless chatter. It seems like it's all just fun and games. And that's what it is until someone finds a way to use it to help their business or improve their brand.
But that's exactly what's happening. Real companies are uncovering and leveraging real business opportunities using social media. Matter of fact it's happening so fast and growing so quickly that every day you allow skepticism, caution or fear to keep you from exploring and taking advantage of it, you are hurting your company.
But while it's important to start using Social Media, it's even more important to use the RIGHT Social Media, and use it correctly and appropriately for your business. That takes developing a strategy, determining the proper tactics, and then using the proper tools.
And so that's why Trivera Interactive is producing a full day hands-on learning event to help you do just that! It's called Social Media University - Milwaukee, and it's happening on July 29th at the Italian Conference Center. The event includes seminars, breakout sessions and a panel discussion to explore every element of social media. Strategy, tactics, tools will all be covered from wide range of speakers...educators, consultants and real business people, both local and national.
Trivera Founder and CEO Tom Snyder will begin the day with an overview on Social Media, how it began, how it works, and how it will change how you do business. The session will touch enough on the various aspects of it all to help you determine which of the breakout sessions will be of greatest value to you and the other members of your staff you'll be bringing along with you.
We'll wrap up with Jay Steinfeld, CEO of who will tell the story of how he has used Web 1.0 and Social Media to turn a small window treatment business into a $50 million dollar a year business. In between, Augie Ray, Katie Felten, Sara Meaney, Blake Samic and a half dozen others will educate, inform and entertain as they show you how turn Web2.0 into a powerful business platform.
We'll provide wi-fi so you can bring your laptop for the hands-on sessions, and even participate in several social media activities that will be going on during the event, including using Twitter to find out who will have the best specials for you during the lunch break.
Following the event, our friends at Corporate Identity Solutions will be throwing a Tweetup (in the old days they were called post event networking get togethers), where you'll be able to make connections, and share your new found knowledge and hob nob with the speakers.
What you'll discover is that Social Media can be BOTH fun and games, as well as a powerful business tool. And you'll end the day armed with enough information to start putting it to work for you. Seating is limited and we expect the event to sell out, so register today, before you have to Tweet that you missed the most important business event this year.
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