People Working Together

Thank You

for attending the BizTimes Expo and specifically, our presentation!

In today’s world of social distancing, virtual sales, and online learning, understanding the rapid changes in SEO will be key to your business’ success. We hope you’ll implement what you learned at BizExpo 2020. These resources can help you. 

Enjoy, or re-watch this informative presentation: 

Refresh your memory or share Google’s recent changes with this short video:

Take a deeper dive with this webinar recording:

Download Presentation PDF here

Extend your learning with these blog posts

Alexa from amazon

Alexa, Optimize my Website

magnet and people statues

How to align SEO and sales

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Ready to start your next project?

Talk to Jamie about your company's need for SEO and getting a better position online.

Jamie Rinehart


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